Bar "Kobinger"
In Klangwerkstatt Zloam
Kobinger Bar in the Klangwerkstatt Zloam is more than just a place to take a break.
Enjoy a cosy evening with some nice drinks and lovely music, bring a wonderful concert evening to a close, or enjoy some refreshments during the interval of one of the many cultural events at Klangwerkstatt – In the new Kobinger Bar, Grundlseer night-life reveals its picturesque side.
We are happy to put together a bespoke offer for you – we look forward to receiving your enquiry - telephone +43 3622 20990 200 or e-mail

Hanns Kobinger (1882–1974)
Painter and graphic artist Hanns Kobinger was born on 26th July 1892 in Linz. After a period of several years abroad, including stays in Dalmatia, Italy and Germany, Hanns Kobinger and his second wife came to Grundlsee in 1935, where he purchased a little house in Archkogl, on the edge of a woodland (Archkogl 53 in der Zlaim). The conditions in which he lived there might be defined as ‘legendary’ today.
The Ausseer countryside was a great topic of interest for him, which he depicted in countless wood and lino cuts, colourful drawings, watercolours and in glass painting too. Kobinger painted in a light, airy and colourful manner.
Hanns Kobinger painted right into his old age and really did become the Grundlseer people’s ‘own" painter.
In an issue from 1959, a Styrian magazine recounted, in an article entitled ‘Artist’s retreat in the Zleim': ‘…Kobinger is a landscape artist by conviction. He tirelessly seeks to capture its essence and since he set up anchor in the secluded Zleim 25 years ago, he has become the painter for his chosen homeland - the Salzkammergut - Ausseerland in particular. And when you think about the sights and experiences Kobinger would have had - the lively late 60s likely encouraged this astonishing creative power - then all you need to do is take a look out of the little window of the atelier, to the divinely gifted landscape and the silent giant mountains all around, above which the mysterious red spreads and the expansive and clear evening star sparkles.’